Scribble, Feb. 19, 2019
Trying a standing desk. The verdict is still out. I am too used to laying back in the chair to think. Now, I must rock from side-to-side and shift my weight. I think I enjoy sitting.
Trying a standing desk. The verdict is still out. I am too used to laying back in the chair to think. Now, I must rock from side-to-side and shift my weight. I think I enjoy sitting.
Voice One: “The big highway interchange in Mission Valley was designed by the grandfather.” Voice Two: “I doubt it.” Voice One: “He surveyed the whole thing and figured out where everything needed to go.” Voice Two: “I think you’re mistaken.” Voice One: “I have his surveying notes.” Voice Two: “He worked for the City of San Diego but I don’t think he had anything to do with it.” Voice One: “Did I mention my dead…
You can read this if you wish although it consists of thoughts and fragments as I attempt to free write 750 words every day. Some of this may end up in a Story or a Conversation. Anyway, this is how one learn and shapes up The Craft. For years I have created puns without knowing it. Someone would say something, I would reply, and then everyone would start laughing. I struggled to figure out why…
[aesop_image imgwidth=”500px” img=”” credit=”Pixabay” align=”right” lightbox=”on” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off”] Three days earlier I studied all night with a girlfriend for a physics exam and afterward drove four classmates 12 hours to San Diego for spring break. The entire trip the girls giggled and cackled behind me while a Korean kid sat silent up front. I decided we scared Jae. Although, being a confused immigrant might also explain his silence. Either way, he only said thanks when I dropped him off…