Author Readings My Craft

Reading: A Gift of the Magi

We give gifts to others to recognize our love for them and a wish to give them something nice. Sometimes we give gifts of ourselves to show them we love them beyond measure and wish to give them everything. In 2009, I recorded this story by O. Henry of a couple of young people who gave away the things they held most dear to make the person they loved feel special. This Christmas, I wish…

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Author Readings My Craft

Author Reading: A Diamond in Her Eye

“You’ll never get me to tell you where the jewels are,” the child said. She leaned back and smirked. So starts my short story A Diamond in Her Eye about a precocious little girl who also happens to be a jewel thief. How, you might ask? She is a shape-shifter. The story came about after one of those police procedurals on television where the detectives lean on the accused. I thought the twist of having…

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Author Readings My Craft

Author Reading: Poetry

I started writing poetry as a cheat of sorts; I could write a compact story very quickly. My sister Debbie is the poet in the family. I do my best. She writes beautiful, heartfelt prose that makes you think. She was the one that explained Robert Frost’s “Two Roads” poem to me so that I understood it was about his decision not to go to war. I thought it had to do with walking in…

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My Craft Author Readings

Author Reading: Sincere Advice for The Man of the House

You spent all day working, tossed the ball with the dog, watched some TV, and now you want to sleep. You nod off quickly only to awaken at midnight to the howling of your dog. Then your dog does something unusual: it starts talking to you. What happens when you suddenly get life advice from your dog? Do you take it? Do you listen? Those are some of the questions I tackled in this short…

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