Conversations My Craft

At Work

A Conversation “I’ve lost my cereal bowl. I had it Friday.” “Did you look in the refrigerator?” “You nailed it. I didn’t finish my soup.” “Those new extensions?” “Maybe.” “I don’t understand why you change color or length every week.” “It makes me more interesting.” “The water cooler took three minutes to give me hot water.” “It’s not sucking.” “Yeah, that’s what I meant.” “No. It’s not getting any air, so the water isn’t coming…

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Conversations My Craft

I Smell Like Daffodils

A Conversation “I suppose you’re happy now.” “You do smell better.” “And the flea circus washed away, gone down the drain, to never be seen again.” “A bit dramatic.” “I spent days training them to flip mid-air. Charlie could land on his nose.” “Never saw his performance. The stench overpowered me.” “Now I smell like daffodils.” “With a tinge of honey.” “I don’t like it.” [bctt tweet=”Now I smell like daffodils.”] “You know…” “What?” “No,…

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Conversations My Craft

Save a Tree, You Know

A Conversation “WouldyouliketobuyamagazinesubscriptionsoIcangoto football camp? “Slow down. What are you doing?” “Selling magazines to go to camp.” “What camp?” “Football camp. I can go to football camp and get this cool radio if I sell enough subscriptions.” “I played football as a kid. We would just play in the mud.” “I don’t like mud.” [bctt tweet=”I don’t like mud.”] “Mud makes football. You have to become one with the field.” “We have a lot of…

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