Very Short Stories

In a Mouse House

Thud. Thud, thud. In the shelter, they held their breaths afraid of any sound. The wind knocked. Thud. Then a scream. A screeching howl faded into night. Coiled talons ripped under the wooden door. Blood dripped to the floor. Terrorized eyes awaited doom. Other Writings You May Like Peaches Sincere Advice for The Man of the House Author Reading: Sincere Advice for The Man of the House The Sweet Smell of Rotting Flesh

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Very Short Stories

The Only Time He Listened

“I’d follow you anywhere,” said the dog, who wanted to feel loved. “I’d probably lose you,” said the man, who spoke truth. “Down the road, you will need each other,” said the hawk, with a long view. “I believe you,” said the man, the only time he listened. Other Writings You May Like A Cooper’s Hawk Snags a Meal Author Reading : May 16, 2018 – A Moment of Pure Truth March 15, 2017 Scribble…

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